11.   Stretching plus folding lead to mixing by distancing neighboring points and bringing distant points into close proximity.

12.   The fattest rabbits in winter are often found in close proximity to brambles.

13.   There are several accounts of dolphins living in close proximity to humans .

14.   Some species may nest in close proximity to each other.

15.   The inherent slowness can be disguised by locating various data that are likely to be retrieved or correlated, in close physical proximity on the disc.

16.   The major pollinators are short-distance generalists and the fidelity is maintained by the simultaneous flowering of trees of both sexes within close proximity.

17.   Metropolitan Police regulations restricted the holding of rival meetings in close proximity, while in Manchester the police had banned the wearing of political uniforms.

18.   But suddenly she was filled with another fear -- about the wisdom of staying on in such close proximity with him.

19.   Anything to take her mind off the prospect of three weeks spent in enforced close proximity to Niall Grant.

20.   Suddenly she was beginning to find working in close proximity to Niall Grant much too disturbing for her own peace of mind.

a. + proximity >>共 48
close 59.80%
physical 6.64%
geographical 5.65%
geographic 4.65%
closer 2.99%
relative 2.33%
uneasy 1.99%
mere 1.33%
strategic 1.00%
daily 0.66%
close + n. >>共 428
friend 12.66%
tie 9.12%
range 5.31%
ally 4.09%
relationship 3.68%
attention 2.96%
race 2.72%
associate 2.62%
contact 2.55%
aide 2.34%
proximity 1.16%
每页显示:    共 179