11.   PARENTS should not despair if their child is born with either a cleft lip or palate.

12.   Rather, they should consult specialists early, as surgery at about three months can usually repair the cleft lip so that it looks nearly normal.

13.   Repairing cleft lips or cleft palates in adults, however, is more difficult because the facial structure has set, say Dr Guna.

14.   The unidentified baby girl in the latest case suffered from cleft lip and palate, as well as severe skin, skull, hand and ear deformities.

a. + lip >>共 276
lower 16.31%
upper 12.10%
red 4.72%
dry 2.77%
pursed 2.67%
swollen 2.36%
loose 2.26%
fat 1.85%
thin 1.74%
full 1.54%
cleft 1.44%
cleft + n. >>共 4
lip 63.64%
chin 22.73%
stick 9.09%
valley 4.55%
每页显示:    共 14