11.   Citing laws that protect the privacy of children, officials would not comment further.

12.   Citing confidentiality laws, the Child Welfare Administration would not discuss the case on the record.

13.   Citing state law that makes it illegal for prosecutors to discuss secret grand jury proceedings, Reilly declined to confirm or deny the existence of the grand jury.

14.   Commissioner Dean Hansell initially hesitated to move forward on the recommendation, citing state laws that could leave the city open to legal challenges.

15.   Citing anti-terrorism laws, British police investigated Abu Hamza, who has said he fought with the Afghan mujahedeen.

16.   Citing privacy laws, Brown declined comment on the charges but issued a statement.

17.   During the hearing, they cited laws, asked questions, and ruled on various motions.

18.   Federal, state and local prosecutors contacted by The Star could not cite any law prohibiting the practice.

19.   He cited a law prohibiting federal agencies from paying for publicity or propaganda intended to support or defeat legislation, other than by direct and official correspondence.

20.   He calls our sources inadequate and cites a law we mentioned earlier, saying it cannot be found on the books.

v. + law >>共 518
violate 9.53%
pass 9.12%
break 6.53%
enforce 5.17%
change 4.12%
have 3.37%
enact 2.36%
practice 2.01%
use 1.65%
repeal 1.52%
cite 0.55%
cite + n. >>共 847
source 7.09%
concern 5.33%
reason 4.59%
example 2.52%
lack 2.37%
case 2.27%
report 2.20%
problem 1.67%
official 1.45%
need 1.44%
law 0.81%
每页显示:    共 93