11.   Over the last two centuries of lighter-than-air flight, many balloonists have dreamed of circumnavigating the globe, and some have been killed in their efforts.

12.   Since then, with the backing of the YMCA and Spalding, which manufactured the first ball, the sport has taken off and circumnavigated the globe.

13.   So accessible has the Earthace become that today adventurers scale Everest and hike across Antarctica, tourists traverse Africa, and lone sailors circumnavigate the globe.

14.   The stated goal of these wealthy men is to circumnavigate the globe using enormous Jiffy-Pop-looking airships with coffin-sized capsules dangling underneath.

15.   Their homeland stretches across three continents, almost circumnavigating the globe, and they have evolved to thrive here despite its long bitter winters.

16.   There, the man who had thrice circumnavigated the globe, was killed by angry Hawaiians.

17.   When they returned to Rochester, N.Y., on Friday, they became, unofficially, the youngest crew ever to circumnavigate the globe.

18.   And it was a bunch of American sailors sitting around drinks in Newport who conceived of circumnavigating the globe solo in a yacht, birthing the annual BOC Challenge.

19.   Circumnavigating the globe nonstop in a balloon is one of the last great challenges facing aviators.

20.   Circumnavigating the globe nonstop in a balloon is one of the last great unattained aviation milestones.

v. + globe >>共 91
circle 27.10%
circumnavigate 10.57%
travel 10.30%
span 8.40%
scour 3.52%
crisscross 2.71%
sweep 1.90%
cover 1.36%
roam 1.36%
search 1.36%
circumnavigate + n. >>共 11
globe 61.90%
world 22.22%
planet 3.17%
building 1.59%
city 1.59%
downtown 1.59%
island 1.59%
metropolis 1.59%
restriction 1.59%
vehicle 1.59%
每页显示:    共 39