11.   In summary, acute cigarette smoking caused a significant fall in Vg but seemed to have no significant effect upon transpyloric fluid shifts.

12.   Acute cigarette smoking has been shown to reduce Vg significantly in controls and duodenal ulcer subjects.

13.   Is there any evidence that links these acute and chronic changes in Vg which occur in relation with cigarette smoking?

14.   The effects of cigarette smoking and parity on the development of symptomatic gall bladder disease remain controversial.

15.   By contrast, three other studies have found a positiveassociation between cigarette smoking and gall bladder disease.

16.   On balance the better controlled studies have shown that cigarette smoking promotes gall bladder disease.

17.   In summary, cigarette smoking, parity, and possibly lower social class were associated with an increased risk of symptomatic gall bladder disease in women.

18.   Animal studies have shown that chronic long-term exposure to ozone causes lung scarring similar to that associated with cigarette smoking.

19.   Although nicotine itself has adverse side-effects, it is not as bad as the complications of long-term cigarette smoking.

20.   And as cigarette smoking grew more popular, tobacco producers quickly began to erect dramatic signs advertising their wares throughout the country.

n. + smoking >>共 93
cigarette 38.98%
cigar 11.29%
tobacco 3.23%
law 2.69%
pot 2.42%
marijuana 2.15%
pipe 2.15%
chain 1.88%
start 1.88%
drug 1.34%
cigarette + n. >>共 251
maker 16.98%
company 9.35%
smoke 6.69%
smoking 4.64%
butt 4.61%
tax 4.45%
advertising 3.88%
manufacturer 3.84%
sale 2.72%
price 2.24%
每页显示:    共 144