11.   I promised him that we would all be all right and that I will see to it that his children always remember him with the pride he deserves.

12.   It is amazing how children remember things.

13.   Neighborhood children remembered Funk as an energetic, compassionate principal who would occasionally walk children home from school and wait with them until their parents returned from work.

14.   Most go home once a year at Christmastime and hope the youngest children will remember them.

15.   Not what a bedazzled child remembered, but when they started and when they moved from the waterfront to an auditorium I never knew.

16.   Reverses provisions in current law that require children to remember specific times when incidents of repeated sexual abuse occurred.

17.   She remembers the tanks, the crushed bicycles and machine-gun fire, in the vivid way that a child remembers a terrifying chronic nightmare.

18.   She sings out instructions throughout the class, noting that children remember things better when information is set to a tune.

19.   The children themselves vividly remember depravation, from toys to underwear.

20.   The children will remember and retell the story of how a fight over a patch of land festered until it turned to killing.

n. + remember >>共 523
people 13.86%
fan 4.99%
friend 2.81%
history 2.06%
resident 1.87%
child 1.50%
mother 1.44%
colleague 1.44%
man 1.37%
woman 1.31%
child + v. >>共 664
be 21.23%
have 5.73%
die 2.28%
learn 2.19%
play 2.12%
go 2.02%
get 1.90%
need 1.57%
come 1.17%
live 1.16%
remember 0.11%
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