11.   But can environmental changes bring back memory?

12.   But if a change would bring you an ugly tax bill, probably just as well to leave it as it is.

13.   But it said climate change would bring a longer growing season and open ice-free seas in the Arctic for shipping.

14.   But now it is apparent the changes have brought their own problems.

15.   But the changes bring complications.

16.   But to press for reform, one has to believe that change will bring a better world for the average American.

17.   But will change bring improvement?

18.   Certainly that change brought a freshness to the Missoni look, not to mention a more realistic take on the way people dress.

19.   Change brings some degree of concern to most of us.

20.   Clearly, Karan saw on the horizon the change brought by designers like Lang and Ms. Kerrigan and started D in answer to that challenge.

n. + bring >>共 1617
day 0.98%
government 0.95%
people 0.83%
company 0.82%
year 0.78%
team 0.66%
change 0.61%
police 0.58%
system 0.57%
election 0.56%
change + v. >>共 398
be 40.20%
come 6.16%
have 3.01%
take 2.84%
make 2.41%
occur 1.88%
affect 1.79%
include 1.60%
mean 1.59%
require 1.18%
bring 0.79%
每页显示:    共 92