11.   Nowadays, when an NBA player refuses to enter a game, it is usually because he has just gotten that advice on a cellular call from his agent.

12.   On a recent road trip from Yosemite National Park, the Californian tried to make a cellular call.

13.   Pomerantz at Virgin, meanwhile, has faith that on-board cellular calls will not become just one more annoyance in air travel.

14.   Results of the trial, unveiled at the NENA conference, showed that emergency cellular calls were located with higher precision than the FCC has mandated.

15.   The act, which bars interception of cellular calls, also prohibits anyone from intentionally disclosing the contents of such taping.

16.   The advantage to business customers, however, is that the two-way radio calls are billed at a flat rate that is much lower than cellular calls.

17.   The monthly rate is comparable to those for analog cellular calls, although the per-minute rate is significantly lower.

18.   The regulations require that phone companies be capable of providing general location information at the beginning and end of any cellular call under surveillance with a court order.

19.   The privacy act bars the interception of cellular calls, and prohibits anyone from intentionally disclosing the contents of intercepted calls.

20.   Today, numerous technologies are available to locate cellular calls.

a. + call >>共 1208
repeated 4.12%
international 3.87%
courtesy 3.71%
long-distance 2.90%
local 2.59%
first 2.58%
emergency 2.15%
bad 1.57%
similar 1.46%
incoming 1.43%
cellular 0.39%
cellular + n. >>共 274
service 14.03%
company 7.39%
network 5.91%
system 3.18%
operation 2.88%
business 2.58%
operator 2.58%
call 2.22%
carrier 2.07%
communication 1.99%
每页显示:    共 30