11.   Uribe said he would negotiate with the FARC, but only from a position of greater military strength and if the rebels cease all hostilities.

12.   Western leaders, eager to get Bosnia off the front pages of the world press, have responded by calling on both sides to cease hostilities.

13.   President Boris Yeltsin, speaking Friday, told reporters that the Serbs had ignored Russian warnings to cease hostilities.

14.   As a result, Spanish Foreign Minister Josep Pique, in opening remarks, could only repeat long-standing EU appeals for Palestinians and Israel to cease their hostilities.

15.   Bosnian Serb leader Radovan Karadzic said after talks with the U.N. commander for Bosnia that he might sign the agreement to cease hostilities even on Thursday.

16.   But the rebel band also vowed not to cease hostilities until granted its own demilitarized zone in its traditional stronghold in the northern state of Bolivar.

17.   Earlier appeals for a truce have failed, with either the Russians continuing to fight despite Kremlin orders or the Chechens refusing to cease hostilities.

18.   Earlier appeals for a truce have failed, with either the Russian military continuing to fight despite Kremlin orders or Chechen rebels refusing to cease hostilities.

19.   Ethiopia and Eritrea agreed to cease hostilities in a two-year-old border war.

20.   In Pale Thursday, Rose gave the Bosnian Serbs a revised draft on ceasing hostilities for four months, said U.N. spokesman Alexander Ivanko.

v. + hostility >>共 225
end 18.69%
cease 5.88%
face 4.73%
resume 2.77%
express 2.65%
halt 2.42%
stop 2.31%
encounter 1.73%
prevent 1.61%
contain 1.50%
cease + n. >>共 171
operation 19.46%
fire 10.59%
hostility 7.30%
publication 5.72%
attack 5.44%
activity 4.58%
production 4.29%
cooperation 2.29%
action 1.14%
support 1.14%
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