11.   In March, construction is to start on a pipeline that will carry oil from the Caspian Sea region to the Georgian port of Supsa on the Black Sea.

12.   Late Thursday, a wind from the south was carrying the oil northward, offshore somewhat.

13.   Much depends on the outcome, because these pipelines will not simply carry oil but will also define new corridors of trade and power.

14.   Operations were halted after a rebel attack on the pipeline that carries oil from the field to the Atlantic coast.

15.   Ruling out the use of tankers to carry Caspian oil means that a long pipeline may be necessary.

16.   That pipeline carries oil to the Mediterranean coast of Turkey, where it is then sold as part of the United Nations oil for food program for Iraq.

17.   The allied commanders would then ask to board and review the manifest, after which they could ask those found to be carrying oil to go elsewhere.

18.   The Cano Limon pipeline carries oil from the Cano Limon field, operated by Occidental Petroleum Corp.

19.   The two countries are also engaged in intense competition over the route of a potentially lucrative and strategically important pipeline that is to carry oil westward from Azerbaijan.

20.   The Spratlys are strategically valuable as the tankers carrying oil for all of East Asia, including Japan, Korea and Taiwan, must travel through the chain.

v. + oil >>共 489
heat 13.07%
sell 6.99%
add 5.29%
pump 4.28%
export 3.84%
use 3.50%
produce 2.85%
buy 2.48%
carry 2.23%
transport 2.19%
carry + n. >>共 1230
attack 2.62%
weapon 2.35%
gun 2.12%
weight 1.74%
risk 1.32%
message 1.01%
test 1.01%
sentence 0.93%
passenger 0.93%
report 0.86%
oil 0.36%
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