11.   Not all candidates favor such an action.

12.   Powell could make it acceptable for a Republican candidate to favor abortion rights or gun control, and to oppose some proposed restrictions on immigration.

13.   Silicon Valley cash has created an artificial consensus on such issues as the Internet tax moratorium, which both candidates favor despite the lack of any rational justification.

14.   Term Limits Executive Director Paul Jacobs said states also might be able to indicate on the actual ballot whether a particular candidate favors or opposes term limits.

15.   The candidates favor maintaining or increasing roadbuilding and logging activities, as well as mining and off-road vehicle use in our national forests.

16.   The Democratic candidates favor greater personal medical choice for HMO patients.

17.   Wertheimer said the only way to rid the campaign finance system of soft money would be to approve legislation pending in Washington, which both candidates favor.

18.   All the leading Chechen presidential candidates favor independence, but Moscow insists that the territory must remain a part of Russia.

19.   Both left-wing candidates favor a quick solution in the talks so that Turkish Cypriots can join the Greek side in membership talks with the European Union.

20.   But all the leading presidential candidates favor independence.

n. + favor >>共 732
majority 3.18%
administration 2.71%
investor 2.71%
voter 2.43%
party 1.99%
government 1.67%
group 1.67%
law 1.63%
official 1.55%
odd 1.51%
candidate 0.96%
candidate + v. >>共 605
be 18.03%
have 5.79%
win 3.04%
say 2.36%
run 2.08%
include 2.04%
make 1.42%
take 1.31%
get 1.10%
do 1.06%
favor 0.23%
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