11.   One plan assumes being able to operate inside Afghanistan, the other in refugee camps along its borders.

12.   She would have been working in the camps along the Afghan border.

13.   Sunday morning thousands more who had made makeshift camps along the roadside awakened and began to move.

14.   The current plan is to feed the remaining refugees in the camps along the railroad until they are fit enough to be driven back to Rwanda.

15.   The fighting around Goma has dislodged another half-million refugees from camps along the Rwandan border.

16.   The homeless huddleunder overturats in Provincetown or camp along the canal.

17.   The UNRWA has counterparts elsewhere, such as the Cambodian camps along the Thai border, which incidentally provided safe havens for the mass-murdering Khmer Rouge.

18.   There is talk about closing cabins and camps along this majestic river on beats that have been fished with the devotion of a religion every year for centuries.

19.   We must not let our humanitarian aid be manipulated as it was in the refugee camps along the Rwandan border.

20.   A string of camps along the border shelter mostly ethnic minority groups fleeing offensives and human rights abuses by the Myanmar military.

n. + along >>共 1381
troop 1.97%
area 1.57%
town 1.02%
way 0.99%
village 0.96%
point 0.95%
position 0.77%
patrol 0.72%
security 0.67%
force 0.67%
camp 0.54%
camp + p. >>共 86
in 38.73%
for 9.94%
of 6.73%
at 5.83%
on 5.50%
with 4.69%
near 4.52%
as 2.54%
to 1.92%
outside 1.78%
along 0.85%
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