11.   The flag went down, the kilt went up, and the camera snapped.

n. + snap >>共 366
photographer 6.68%
loss 3.53%
cable 2.90%
victory 2.90%
win 2.77%
stock 2.52%
line 2.27%
flag 2.02%
tourist 1.89%
wind 1.76%
camera 1.39%
camera + v. >>共 466
be 17.21%
roll 3.42%
catch 3.07%
capture 2.90%
show 2.83%
record 2.55%
follow 2.51%
have 2.34%
pan 2.13%
focus 1.78%
snap 0.38%
每页显示:    共 11