11.   You can call them arrogant.

12.   Opponents called him arrogant and accused his government of incompetence and corruption.

13.   Andretti called him arrogant, and other CART drivers said Montoya was too confident off the track and too aggressive on it.

14.   Call him cocky, call him arrogant.

15.   How about others whose work keeps them fully occupied?Can they also be called arrogant?Dugano questions himself further.

16.   Critics called him arrogant, others say the Brazilian simply knew how good he was and did not suffer fools gladly.

v. + arrogant >>共 5
call 53.33%
consider 26.67%
find 10.00%
make 6.67%
prove 3.33%
call + a. >>共 1282
quits 7.80%
safe 1.28%
unfair 1.16%
motivated 0.98%
early 0.90%
unconstitutional 0.83%
old-fashioned 0.75%
unacceptable 0.71%
crazy 0.68%
stupid 0.68%
arrogant 0.60%
每页显示:    共 16