11.   Leonid Brezhnev is buried along the Kremlin wall.

12.   Several dozen Communist leaders and other Soviet-era luminaries are buried along the Kremlin wall behind the mausoleum.

13.   The weapons were stored in a rental shed and buried along a river southwest of Nashville.

14.   Kuhnen explained that citizens of Trier, an important centre in Roman times, would be buried along the streets of the city.

v. + along >>共 1285
pass 9.50%
bring 6.09%
take 3.13%
sing 1.90%
divide 1.84%
get 1.75%
send 1.75%
live 1.61%
help 1.55%
deploy 1.47%
bury 0.16%
bury + p. >>共 70
in 56.87%
under 10.22%
at 7.30%
on 5.35%
with 4.51%
beneath 3.16%
near 1.63%
for 0.79%
inside 0.73%
nearby 0.67%
along 0.30%
每页显示:    共 14