11.   Meanwhile, the NESDB will accelerate bureaucratic reform with power decentralisation, the privatisation of state enterprises and greater participation by non-governmental organisations.

12.   Soerjadi said Saturday bureaucratic reforms suggested a massive drive to combat corruption which he said resulted in inefficiency and the withering away of public confidence in the government.

13.   Soerjadi said bureaucratic reforms would not proceed without a democratic mechanism which allowed the House of Representatives to control the government.

14.   Sumitro reiterated the urgency for overall bureaucratic reform to create good governance.

15.   The Armed Forces said a separate decree on bureaucratic reforms was unnecessary because efforts to establish a clean government had always existed.

16.   The economic behavior of Indonesia and Japan are quite different, but the desire for both countries to undergo bureaucratic reform is similar, with similar reasons.

17.   The deliberation of the drafts of bureaucratic reforms resumes today.

18.   The former Finance Ministry official has also taken a keen interest in bureaucratic reform.

19.   The leaders discussed a stack of recommendations by experts on bureaucratic reforms, the role of the military, constitutional questions, economic issues and anti-corruption measures.

20.   The scandal has appalled a nation where malpractice suits are rare and has led to more calls for bureaucratic reform.

a. + reform >>共 449
economic 22.79%
political 7.73%
democratic 7.06%
constitutional 3.05%
structural 2.93%
health_care 2.80%
sweeping 2.09%
proposed 1.43%
major 1.41%
electoral 1.39%
bureaucratic 0.18%
bureaucratic + n. >>共 514
delay 6.06%
hurdle 2.70%
obstacle 2.64%
procedure 2.57%
nightmare 2.11%
problem 1.91%
inertia 1.85%
process 1.85%
control 1.71%
barrier 1.65%
reform 1.52%
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