11.   Broadcasting real news into countries with heavy censorship has never been easy.

12.   But, just as radio stations and others were broadcasting the news, the Journal removed the report from the Web site.

13.   Chavez also outraged Venezuelans when he ordered five private television stations shut down, charging that they were inciting violence by broadcasting news about the protests.

14.   Eight local radio stations said they would also stop broadcasting state news.

15.   Filling the void for television stations broadcasting crash news around the clock, politicians have become part victim counselors, part rescue experts and part conspiracy theorists.

16.   Like Hardy Boys, the group walks into the Toy Factory, finds the TV studio and broadcast the news with a snappy song.

17.   Minutes after President Clinton told Americans that Lt. Gen. Raoul Cedras had promised to step down within four weeks, the news was broadcast over radio stations here.

18.   Meanwhile, the actual suspect was found in a parking garage, and the police radio broadcast this news, Castleman said.

19.   No television or radio news was broadcast, and no newspapers will be published on Thursday.

20.   Network news executives had held a conference call with White House officials Saturday afternoon in which they agreed not to broadcast news of the initiation of an American strike.

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