11.   Soeharto asked his daughter Hardijanti as they walked toward the limo, apparently mistaken that the new President was going to brief journalists.

12.   Stepping off the plane, he briefed journalists on his plans for the rest of the day.

13.   The decision was made during a working lunch attended by Russian President Vladimir Putin, according to the official who briefed journalists on condition of anonymity.

14.   The two briefed journalists on the latest U-S report on illegal drugs.

15.   Their chief of staff, Col. Richard Barrons, briefed journalists hours after the shooting occurred, describing it as the first time peacekeeping troops had come under fire.

16.   When NATO spokesman Jamie Shea briefed journalists during the war in Kosovo, some of his fellow Britons sneered.

17.   Further details of the talks were not available as Holl did not officially brief journalists before he returned to Pakistan.

18.   He declined to give details of the deal, saying that representatives of the delegations would brief journalists after the signing ceremony.

19.   He declined to give details of the deal, saying that representatives of the delegations would brief journalists later Wednesday.

20.   He declined to give details of the deal, saying representatives of the delegations would brief journalists later Wednesday.

v. + journalist >>共 451
bar 7.54%
tell 5.13%
kill 4.04%
allow 3.51%
arrest 3.04%
prevent 2.91%
include 2.72%
keep 2.50%
detain 2.19%
release 2.00%
brief 0.81%
brief + n. >>共 203
reporter 19.07%
leader 5.34%
official 5.34%
member 4.48%
room 4.19%
president 4.10%
council 3.34%
journalist 2.48%
press 2.29%
minister 1.62%
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