11.   The new bill bridges that divide.

12.   Pakistan also has sought international mediation, and President Clinton, who is to visit India next month, has offered to try to bridge the divide.

13.   But he believes the divide can be bridged.

14.   But its success depends on how it can bridge the divide between the haves and the have-nots.

15.   Delegates wildly cheered another veteran, retired Gen. Colin Powell, as he praised Bush on Monday night for bridging racial divides and improving schools in Texas.

16.   It will run Hebrew subtitles in hopes of bridging the divide between immigrants and Israelis.

17.   The forum chairman, Philippine Foreign Secretary Domingo Siazon, said the language of the joint statement was an attempt to bridge a divide on the issue.

18.   Their talks failed Saturday to bridge yawning divides over climate change policies.

19.   However he said he was ready to meet his Turkish counterpart Erdal Inonu on neutral ground in an effort to bridge the divide between the two countries.

20.   The UNHCR set up the service earlier this month in an attempt to help people bridge the divide between the two entities that make up post-war Bosnia.

v. + divide >>共 61
bridge 14.58%
cross 7.64%
deepen 4.86%
mark 4.86%
straddle 4.86%
reflect 4.17%
close 3.47%
create 3.47%
heal 3.47%
illustrate 2.78%
bridge + n. >>共 91
gap 56.85%
difference 15.48%
divide 2.88%
chasm 2.19%
gulf 1.92%
division 1.23%
world 1.10%
culture 0.96%
disagreement 0.96%
transition 0.68%
每页显示:    共 21