11.   On Wednesday, staffers said Aldridge had broken a toe.

12.   Rik Smits broke his toe and went to hide in a corner.

13.   She broke her toe trying to load her luggage for the trip to Houston.

14.   Six months ago, the platform diver Laura Wilkinson broke three toes on her right foot while training.

15.   The pitcher hit me in the foot and broke my toe.

16.   The Yankees gave him another look in the spring, but he broke his toe, and that ended his chances.

17.   Together, they shared a cement-block cell where Violet had such violent nightmares that she smashed and broke her toes on the walls, her daughter recalls.

18.   True, Cha Cha had broken a toe earlier in the day while helping a priest move a refrigerator.

19.   Two years ago, Adams was playing with his kids and broke his toe, missing the final four games of the season.

20.   You broke a toe or an arm, Dr. Christian fixed it.

v. + toe >>共 145
dip 9.32%
stub 7.03%
break 6.84%
wiggle 5.13%
have 3.80%
touch 3.80%
lose 3.42%
tap 2.85%
injure 2.85%
stick 2.66%
break + n. >>共 537
law 7.95%
rule 4.12%
deadlock 3.95%
ground 3.59%
record 3.58%
window 3.38%
leg 3.01%
rank 2.55%
tie 2.40%
bone 2.17%
toe 0.26%
每页显示:    共 36