11.   Clinton made his curt remarks at the made-for-television event that appeared to be another White House attempt to bolster support for the president among women.

12.   Elected officials have long tried to bolster their support here by setting up these groups to raise money for their campaigns and for charitable activities.

13.   First lady Hillary Clinton made an appearance with Brown over the weekend to bolster his support.

14.   First lady Hillary Rodham Clinton and White House allies were calling Democrats Tuesday trying to bolster support for the president.

15.   He also popped in and out of diners, centers for the elderly and supermarkets, trying to bolster his support among Democrats and sway undecided voters.

16.   However, his stance could help bolster support among Hispanic voters.

17.   In Russia, the post-Soviet Communist Party is successfully bolstering its support by appealing to voters to restore the old imperium.

18.   ITALIAN STOCKS Local elections bolstering support for Prime Minister Prodi lifted Italian stocks Monday.

19.   Last week, Rumsfeld visited Egypt, Oman, Saudi Arabia, Turkey and Uzbekistan to bolster their support for the war on terrorism.

20.   Made with the express purpose of bolstering support for the federal establishment of migrant camps, the pictures show squalor and deprivation.

v. + support >>共 379
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express 5.29%
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gain 2.31%
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bolster + n. >>共 577
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