11.   By contrast, desert bighorn sheep might be expected to stick close to the mountains where they find their water.

12.   Condor Ridge is also home to other rare and endangered animals like the desert bighorn sheep and the desert tortoise.

13.   Colorado would offer coyotes howling at the moon, we hoped, and bighorn sheep clinging to the cliffs.

14.   Desert bighorn sheep are a relatively easy stalk if one can get into the area where they live.

15.   Desert bighorn sheep can be found during cooler months sipping from both natural and man-made water tanks in the canyons.

16.   Elk, moose, mountain goats and even some bighorn sheep feed on the higher slopes.

17.   George Lemen of Pima, president of Save Our Sheep, is worried that the wolves could wipe out Rocky Mountain bighorn sheep.

18.   He warned that weakening the Endangered Species Act would remove any incentive for federal agencies to protect rare bighorn sheep in the Hells Canyon National Recreation Area.

19.   He said new communities sprouting in the desert have drained water from springs that a variety of animals, including bighorn sheep, depend on.

n. + sheep >>共 37
bighorn 48.39%
desert 6.45%
herd 4.30%
baby 3.23%
merino 3.23%
big-horn 1.08%
blackface 1.08%
blow-up 1.08%
bypass 1.08%
churro 1.08%
bighorn + n. >>共 11
sheep 76.27%
decline 3.39%
lamb 3.39%
population 3.39%
subspecies 3.39%
classification 1.69%
curl 1.69%
management 1.69%
number 1.69%
rank 1.69%
每页显示:    共 45