11.   I operated the check machine that sorted the canceled benefits checks.

12.   In addition to free medical care, many veterans receive monthly benefit checks.

13.   In future years, the government will need huge sums of money to redeem these bonds and thereby ensure Social Security has enough money to continue cutting benefit checks.

14.   She said she wanted to find out why her benefits check had not been in the mail.

15.   The agency described its elaborate planning to ensure that there will be no disruption in benefit checks.

16.   The Department of Veterans Affairs had better news for those expecting benefit checks.

17.   The Hutchison bill would authorize the Veterans Affairs Department to send benefit checks to military widows and their dependents and to veterans with service-connected disabilities.

18.   The jobless can now call a computerized system that allows officials to retrieve tax records and authorize benefit checks.

19.   They claimed the state violated their constitutional due process rights when it held up their benefit checks.

20.   Veterans Administration officials announced Thursday that the federal government shutdown could delay delivering January benefit checks to veterans and their survivors.

n. + check >>共 498
background 28.18%
security 9.25%
reality 3.98%
identity 3.64%
safety 3.34%
welfare 2.60%
rebate 1.98%
border 1.47%
refund 1.45%
credit 1.34%
benefit 0.62%
benefit + n. >>共 296
package 9.49%
plan 7.35%
program 6.61%
concert 6.48%
manager 4.74%
cut 4.41%
cost 4.07%
payment 2.87%
level 2.40%
system 2.14%
check 1.80%
每页显示:    共 27