11.   Also killed was a member of Aqsa Martyrs Brigades, a militant group.

12.   Also killed were Ray Foster and an unidentified person.

13.   A military spokesman, while not confirming the number, said the dead were guerrillas killed in an early morning attack on a rebel base.

14.   A steady stream of shoppers filtered into the two stores, some getting last-minute supplies while others were just killing time.

15.   Also killed was a plan to elect district judges on a nonpartisan basis.

16.   Also killed were a Pakistani, an Afghan, and an unidentified person of unknown nationality.

17.   Also killed were pilot Jeff Brown, and Clapton employees Bobby Brooks, Nigel Brown and Colin Smythe.

18.   But to say that sexism is what killed Janis Joplin would be a cliche.

19.   For instance, he said, a new focus of research is whether X-ray machines that scan bags can be easily adapted to kill anthrax spores.

20.   If the victims were civilians killed by an armed party, the killings would constitute a war crime, Risley said.

v. + kill >>共 164
report 40.85%
use 12.01%
be 9.06%
shoot 4.90%
believe 2.87%
confirm 1.57%
fear 1.48%
will 0.92%
explode 0.92%
crash 0.92%
be + v. >>共 1041
go 8.23%
say 4.28%
include 3.27%
follow 2.62%
compare 2.38%
be 1.98%
give 1.39%
have 1.16%
make 1.16%
do 0.75%
kill 0.69%
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