11.   As a whole, the Mariners have been good about adjusting this year.

12.   At least Microsoft is good about making patches easily available.

13.   BC had uncapped what is so good about college basketball.

14.   After that, my parents were really good about it.

15.   But at the end, just before the demographic questions, interviewers read a paragraph describing in glowing terms everything that was good about our opponent.

16.   But I think this team mentally has been good about that.

17.   But the historical significance of TWA lies only partly with what is good about the design.

18.   But Snake is very good about sitting down with me and talking about the car.

19.   Diamond is good about updating its drivers frequently, so I suspect these bugs will be history soon.

20.   Everything that was good about Elvis Presley has been ruined by too much of everything else.

v. + good + about >>共 6
feel 89.56%
be 9.62%
find 0.27%
see 0.27%
believe 0.14%
felt 0.14%
be + good + p. >>共 52
for 59.60%
at 19.80%
to 5.80%
in 3.90%
with 2.69%
as 1.59%
on 1.55%
about 1.37%
from 0.35%
of 0.35%
每页显示:    共 70