11.   Across the country in St. Louis, Chris Carrawell and his friends angrily banged their fists against walls and furniture.

12.   He cursed aloud, and Valentine winced and banged a fist against the dugout wall.

13.   I remember when Christian Laettner made that winning shot, I banged my fist on the wall.

14.   If you have neither the facts nor the law on your side, bang your fist loudly.

15.   In fits of rage, his daughter, Tania, would bang her fists on a school desk.

16.   Owners might enter every labor negotiation banging their fists into tables demanding change.

17.   Some present in that meeting said this owner spoke with passion against selecting Baltimore, banging his fist on the table for emphasis.

18.   Gesturing wildly and banging his fist on the podium, the fiery Zhirinovsky electrified the parliament chamber.

19.   The Colombian banged his fist in the cockpit.

20.   The Palestinian leader, not accustomed to being challenged, would often bang his fist on the table in exasperation.

v. + fist >>共 104
pump 33.04%
raise 10.85%
clench 9.00%
shake 8.84%
wave 4.02%
pound 3.30%
punch 3.05%
thrust 3.05%
slam 2.49%
bang 2.09%
bang + n. >>共 136
head 21.31%
drum 12.02%
fist 4.74%
knee 4.37%
gavel 4.01%
stick 3.28%
body 2.55%
pot 2.19%
door 1.82%
ball 1.64%
每页显示:    共 26