11.   But he does not bang a drum.

12.   But Perot vowed to keep going, perpetually banging his drums like a human version of the pink Energizer bunny.

13.   But that would seem too easy, too simplistic, too quiet for a team that has made so much noise with Jordan banging the drum.

14.   Even today, some traditional cultures bang drums and sing songs to drive away the monster presumed to be eating the sun.

15.   In fact, an increasingly common tool that companies employ to bang the drums on behalf of a product or idea is weightless.

16.   In South America, they sing, bang drums and have been known to toss a few rocks.

17.   In Lafayette Park across the street from the White House, hundreds of human rights and religious freedom protesters banged drums and chanted from morning until dark.

18.   It bangs the drum slowly and loudly, squeezing every possible tear out of every parting glance.

19.   Jumping on their anti-TV bandwagons, they banged their drums for days.

20.   OK, bang the drum slowly, professor.

v. + drum >>共 108
beat 30.30%
play 21.75%
bang 11.76%
pound 4.63%
use 1.96%
fill 1.78%
have 1.60%
make 1.43%
carry 1.25%
remove 0.89%
bang + n. >>共 136
head 21.31%
drum 12.02%
fist 4.74%
knee 4.37%
gavel 4.01%
stick 3.28%
body 2.55%
pot 2.19%
door 1.82%
ball 1.64%
每页显示:    共 66