11.   Thirty states currently ban direct shipments of alcoholic beverages to consumers, and seven have made such acts a felony.

12.   A U.N. arms embargo imposed on all of the former Yugoslavia bans weapons shipments to or through any former Yugoslav republic.

13.   Aman Tuleyev of Kemerovo was expected to sign an order on Monday banning meat shipments.

14.   EU to ban shipments of oil, oil products to Yugoslavia.

15.   European Union foreign ministers are expected Monday to ban oil shipments to Yugoslavia, the EU announced Thursday.

16.   Greece last February banned the shipment of all goods, except food and medicine, to its landlocked neighbor.

17.   He also has banned the shipment of live fish caught with the use of sodium cyanide, a compound that destroys coral.

18.   Israel also banned shipments of goods out of the West Bank and Gaza and imposed a sea blockade.

19.   Late last year, the Agriculture Department banned shipments of clementine oranges from Spain after larvae of the Mediterranean fruit fly were found in several states.

20.   KLM reacted swiftly by banning further shipments of live animals from China and said it also was considering stopping all trade in exotic animals through Schiphol.

v. + shipment >>共 348
delay 5.14%
stop 4.51%
halt 3.58%
block 3.11%
receive 2.91%
resume 2.49%
suspend 2.44%
send 2.39%
prevent 1.71%
make 1.56%
ban 1.56%
ban + n. >>共 776
import 4.55%
use 4.03%
sale 3.70%
party 2.59%
export 1.89%
demonstration 1.77%
weapon 1.57%
woman 1.44%
practice 1.36%
abortion 1.18%
shipment 0.30%
每页显示:    共 30