11.   But seniors by no means comprise a disproportionate share of the bad drivers on the road today.

12.   But Ricker and Trooper Jan Chirico, who were giving a guided tour of bad drivers in Passaic County, were not terribly upset.

13.   But several radio car accidents this week have shown that in some cases, it is the officers who are the bad drivers.

14.   But running into a bad driver can certainly spoil your day.

15.   But those same prosecutors also rely on the testimony of police officers in making cases against everyone from bad drivers to drug dealers.

16.   By contrast, the best metropolitan area was Boston, despite its reputation for bad drivers.

17.   By contrast, the AAA discount offered by Commerce is available to anyone who joins the club, including bad drivers who would be considered poor insurance risks.

18.   Drivers should be concerned about all types of crashes, and not just the possibility that a bad driver will crash into them, Martinez said.

19.   He also said the current system forces good drivers to pay too much and allows bad drivers to pay too little.

20.   I am a bad driver.

a. + driver >>共 1054
the 3.20%
drunken 3.07%
only 2.44%
young 2.40%
drunk 2.06%
new 1.86%
top 1.49%
older 1.43%
first 1.43%
fellow 1.25%
bad 0.93%
bad + n. >>共 658
weather 8.82%
loan 5.63%
thing 3.68%
guy 3.57%
luck 3.23%
day 2.71%
time 2.34%
idea 2.01%
one 1.39%
publicity 1.24%
driver 0.21%
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