11.   Neurons that fire in response to the same frequency tend to cluster into little islands, forming a kind of sound frequency map in the auditory cortex.

12.   The frontal lobes, medial temporal lobes that include part of the auditory cortex and the neocerebellum are closer to normal size, Dr. Galaburda said.

13.   The two thought that perhaps they could force changes in the human auditory cortex.

14.   When another rat hears this scream, a signal goes from the auditory cortex, where sounds are processed, directly to the amygdala.

15.   When patients said their tinnitus was loud, the researchers saw activity in a variety of spots, including the brain stem, the mid-brain and the auditory cortex.

16.   While their hearing tests are in the normal range, neurons in the auditory cortex are exceptionally excitable, Dr. Neville said.

17.   You hold him on your lap and talk ... and neurons from his ears start hard-wiring connections to the auditory cortex.

18.   The study compared their brain activity with jaws relaxed and jaws clenched, and found that made a difference in the auditory cortex.

a. + cortex >>共 29
visual 25.20%
prefrontal 15.75%
auditory 14.17%
primary 7.09%
frontal 4.72%
higher 3.15%
left 3.15%
parietal 3.15%
lateral 2.36%
orbital 2.36%
auditory + n. >>共 44
cortex 24.00%
hallucination 6.67%
system 5.33%
pathway 2.67%
information 2.67%
brain 2.67%
canal 2.67%
signal 2.67%
target 2.67%
stimulus 2.67%
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