11.   The speaker made eye contact with audience members.

12.   Although most audience members were Dole-Kemp supporters, a number of Democrats, independents and Clinton-supporting Republicans attended.

13.   An ambulance, which accompanies the play for legal reasons, becomes involved in a mock kidnapping of two audience members by mysterious guerrillas.

14.   And all but the shortest audience members enjoy unobstructed views, looking over the heads of the people in the next row down instead of through their hair.

15.   An onstage row of audience members throw glittering confetti on the cast.

16.   And during intermission at another show, audience members are treated to a kosher bagel buffet.

17.   And every audience member is of equal value, whether or not they have a typewriter.

18.   And I had believed that all the annoying audience members were in New York.

19.   And it seemed perfect that when an audience member sneezed, on the night I saw the show, Irwin wiped his own nose.

20.   And since voting opportunities appear every two minutes or so, there are frequent bouts of loud lobbying for options among audience members.

n. + member >>共 330
crew 16.44%
staff 11.91%
committee 6.29%
team 5.42%
gang 5.31%
faculty 3.13%
opposition 3.06%
cult 2.49%
audience 2.20%
band 2.07%
audience + n. >>共 318
member 37.53%
participation 3.68%
reaction 3.52%
response 3.03%
share 2.13%
size 1.23%
measurement 1.06%
favorite 1.06%
question 0.98%
development 0.90%
每页显示:    共 456