11.   Locals said the attackers belonged to the Armed Islamic Group, and were running a protection racket in the area.

12.   Marwan Kanafani, spokesman for Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat, said the autonomy government was investigating the possibility the attacker belonged to the PLO police.

13.   Marwan Kanafani, spokesman for Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat, said the autonomy government was investigating whether the attacker belonged to the PLO police.

14.   Myanmar officials have said the attackers belonged to a group of Karen guerrillas who are their allies, but over whom they have no direct control.

15.   Pagad members believe the attackers belonged to the Hard Living Kids.

16.   Police believed the attacker belonged to an extremist group and callers to media organizations claimed it was carried out the Hamas, or Islamic Resistance Movement.

17.   Police said the attackers belonged to the MILF, which is engaged in peace talks with the government.

18.   The attackers did not belong to the village, which is one-third Christian, Ghosh said.

19.   The attackers allegedly belonged to a left-leaning group known as The House of the People and Emiliano Zapata.

20.   The attackers apparently belong to the Kalenjin group of tribes, to which President Daniel arap Moi and many of his closest allies belong.

n. + belong >>共 1141
plane 2.21%
land 1.92%
day 1.85%
man 1.56%
night 1.45%
house 1.19%
job 1.08%
family 1.05%
money 1.05%
car 1.00%
attacker 0.76%
attacker + v. >>共 386
be 13.66%
flee 7.13%
escape 4.01%
fire 3.21%
come 2.36%
open 2.32%
use 2.24%
throw 1.92%
shoot 1.84%
have 1.72%
belong 1.16%
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