11.   He says it was a nasty attack and the attackers were violent.

12.   Milton Keynes Police are convinced the attackers are local and will be sporting obvious injuries.

13.   On one occasion his attacker was one of the bouncers, he says.

14.   And stalking victims might feel better if they know their attacker is thousands of miles away, he said.

15.   Another inevitable consideration is the general difficulty of preventing an attack if the attackers are willing, indeed determined, to sacrifice their lives.

16.   Anderson said information gathered during the investigation indicates that the crime was premeditated and that both attackers are equally culpable.

17.   Another suggestion is that the attacker was an inventor or other patent litigant who lost an appeal before the Federal Circuit, or Rich and Davis specifically.

18.   At that point, he realized his attackers were the police.

19.   At the time, the army suggested that the attackers were probably local Palestinians.

20.   Because investigators did not discover semen, they believe that Ms. Alves was killed before her attacker was able to rape her.

n. + be >>共 1635
problem 0.82%
people 0.79%
company 0.71%
result 0.67%
thing 0.63%
report 0.57%
question 0.56%
official 0.55%
time 0.53%
issue 0.48%
attacker 0.02%
attacker + v. >>共 386
be 13.66%
flee 7.13%
escape 4.01%
fire 3.21%
come 2.36%
open 2.32%
use 2.24%
throw 1.92%
shoot 1.84%
have 1.72%
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