11.   Every new doping allegation is disastrous for the other athletes competing here, none of whom is fast enough or strong enough to avoid the fallout.

12.   Foremost among their goals is to show athletes can compete at the highest levels of professional sports and still be a witness for Christ.

13.   Foreign athletes have been competing at state schools for years.

14.   High school track programs too often allow athletes to compete in a technically demanding sport without adequate safeguards and supervisory expertise.

15.   If Spartan female athletes competed today, they would be among those taking their clothes off, Romano said.

16.   In Europe, canine and human athletes compete on a World Cup circuit all winter.

17.   In the past, each nation would have five athletes compete in a team event and the low score was dropped, sort of a gymnastics mulligan.

18.   It is not uncommon for blind athletes to compete with students who can see.

19.   MOGULS The chance to see Olympic athletes compete at U.S. resorts is not limited this month to snowboarding.

20.   No sport is more pure in the sense that, save for their gloves, the athletes compete without benefit of equipment or teammates.

n. + compete >>共 767
company 10.97%
team 5.27%
player 3.63%
athlete 2.91%
woman 2.83%
bank 1.93%
firm 1.49%
candidate 1.45%
party 1.02%
group 1.02%
athlete + v. >>共 636
be 16.90%
have 6.44%
use 2.56%
compete 2.28%
do 2.17%
take 1.99%
get 1.62%
say 1.57%
test 1.51%
make 1.48%
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