11.   The association is asking the city for some relief from real estate taxes, for which it would be liable as a tenant.

12.   The farmers association had asked Dickey to get Congress involved in settling a lawsuit in which association members claimed the Agriculture Department had discriminated against them.

13.   The police chiefs association asked the presidential candidates to support a national commission to investigate perceived police and criminal justice abuses.

14.   The trucking trade association asked President Clinton last week to send Secretary of State Madeleine Albright to the Middle East immediately to plead for more oil.

15.   Aukatsang said the association had asked U.N. Secretary-General Boutros Boutros-Ghali and other officials two weeks ago to take up their case with China.

16.   Carlile said the world coaches association would ask FINA during the world championships for public accountability of its drug-testing program.

17.   Each year, the association asks one mayor and one governor to send letters urging other states and cities to proclaim Bible Week.

18.   He said the association has asked all drug stores, factories, and medical equipment shops in Jordan to contribute for the shipments.

19.   Kiplagat said the association asked the ministry to deploy Kosgei elsewhere Wednesday.

20.   Matile said the bankers association had asked the Simon Wiesenthal Center for more details about the possible Nazi matches in summer.

n. + ask >>共 890
government 4.03%
reporter 3.64%
official 3.55%
people 2.89%
prosecutor 2.65%
company 1.99%
police 1.79%
lawyer 1.58%
group 1.55%
authority 1.36%
association 0.20%
association + v. >>共 539
say 12.72%
be 8.38%
have 3.47%
plan 1.63%
want 1.48%
make 1.26%
ask 1.12%
file 1.01%
begin 0.94%
call 0.94%
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