11.   It inspired him to continue building miniature masonry art pieces, he said.

12.   Of course they brought their artwork with them, so they were doing fantastic art pieces.

13.   Perhaps the biggest behind-the-scenes maneuver helping a big show acquire all the right pieces of art is the bartering of one art piece for another.

14.   She advises aspiring collectors to study art, visit galleries and museums, and buy art pieces that are appealing and affordable.

15.   She said Rose was just trying to protect a valuable glass art piece inside his bag.

16.   Some of the articles displayed at the Museum of Art and Design were limited-edition art pieces.

17.   The company, which moved to New York the next year, produced art furniture pieces hand-made by the couple.

18.   The image becomes the collectible art piece.

19.   The plane was also carrying bank notes, watches and jewelry, as well as another unknown art piece.

20.   The tableau may be an art piece.

n. + piece >>共 668
artillery 8.63%
bite-size 5.08%
opinion 3.72%
op-ed 2.20%
art 1.92%
chess 1.86%
performance 1.86%
theater 1.52%
ensemble 1.30%
companion 1.24%
art + n. >>共 726
world 6.89%
gallery 6.43%
history 3.49%
dealer 3.48%
historian 2.75%
collection 2.59%
school 2.18%
director 1.99%
works 1.96%
critic 1.82%
piece 0.49%
每页显示:    共 34