11.   He insinuates, even arouses passion, without ever being indecent.

12.   It is to be expected that an issue of such grave national import would arouse passion.

13.   Jed Johnson did not look to things for spiritual satisfaction, but they nonetheless aroused his passions, and he knew furniture and fabrics as well as any scholar.

14.   Like the Bank Bali scandal, this is an issue that arouses real passions.

15.   Milosevic aroused the passions of Serbian nationalism in the first place.

16.   There are few things that arouse the passions of the English like soccer, or what they call football.

17.   These flowers have evolved to arouse the passions of male bees, which inadvertently pollinate the flowers as they engage in hopeless attempts to copulate with the pretty petal.

18.   While it arouses serious passion on both sides, but perhaps more so in the western region, which is struggling with an identity crisis.

19.   But the Brcko issue has aroused such passion among Bosnian Serbs that Dodik has announced his own resignation from the caretaker post to protest the decision.

20.   By contrast, the proposed move has aroused political passions among both leftists and conservatives.

v. + passion >>共 307
have 15.95%
share 6.85%
inflame 5.87%
stir 4.36%
indulge 3.84%
develop 2.56%
arouse 2.48%
pursue 2.03%
inspire 1.66%
lack 1.58%
arouse + n. >>共 169
suspicion 18.70%
interest 7.10%
concern 5.68%
opposition 4.62%
passion 3.91%
ire 3.31%
fear 3.31%
emotion 2.96%
anger 2.60%
curiosity 2.60%
每页显示:    共 33