11.   Some are so committed to the process they stay in area hotels.

12.   The jury will be housed in an area hotel and will start deliberating Saturday.

13.   The mall tourism directors work closely with Phoenix area hotels and resorts.

14.   The uncertain outcome of the election has slowed inaugural preparations at area hotels, but for now event planners also are not worried.

15.   Undocumented workers released by the Hilton all got jobs in other area hotels and restaurants.

16.   Police also were inspecting area hotels after two bombs exploded Saturday night at other Costa Dorada hotels.

17.   But area hotels, restaurants and recreation sites could get large spill-over benefits.

18.   Displaced families were sent to an area hotel.

19.   Elsewhere, Moscaritolo said, the demands of the national media and fans have meant calls to the visitors bureau for help placing hundreds of people in area hotels.

20.   Investigators also raided two Boston area hotels believed to be used by the hijackers.

n. + hotel >>共 279
luxury 26.02%
team 8.80%
five-star 8.21%
resort 5.41%
tourist 4.08%
airport 2.75%
boutique 2.12%
casino 1.87%
budget 1.52%
city 1.38%
area 1.28%
area + n. >>共 897
resident 9.10%
hospital 8.48%
stock 2.32%
school 2.15%
manager 1.61%
close 1.44%
store 1.30%
company 1.22%
business 1.22%
airport 1.10%
hotel 0.74%
每页显示:    共 26