11.   McGuire and Sifneos describe the use of this approach for people who have recently experienced a serious loss of some kind bereavement, redundancy at work, or divorce.

12.   The final approach for one-one-five Squadron.

13.   Approaches for handling experimental noise and repetitive elements are discussed.

14.   Clearly, a salesperson selling in a combination of these settings will have to adopt a different approach for each.

15.   It has turned down NSPCC approaches for funding for research saying Home Office research is sufficient.

16.   On the package front, the Company is investigating several innovative approaches for making the handling of fertilizers easier and safer for the farmer.

17.   American medical doctors ridiculed the immune-system approach for much of this century because they truly believed they had developed something better.

18.   And the federation is working to establish a free-standing entity that will develop a new approach for outreach and fund raising more in tune with younger Jews.

19.   Apparently, Shorris is advocating a more serious approach for the poor than is often considered necessary or appropriate for college students.

20.   Approaches that use chemicals to reverse drug-induced changes in brain function may be a better approach for reducing drug craving, he said.

n. + for >>共 1471
spokesman 1.89%
support 1.76%
time 1.36%
plan 1.28%
money 0.91%
call 0.90%
way 0.79%
price 0.67%
candidate 0.66%
lawyer 0.65%
approach 0.03%
approach + p. >>共 74
to 65.15%
of 8.43%
in 4.69%
for 3.00%
with 2.48%
from 2.25%
toward 1.98%
on 1.91%
by 1.62%
as 1.28%
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