11.   By all accounts the angry reaction of the crowd was spontaneous, and the violence flared extraordinarily quickly.

12.   Earlier in the trial, this sort of assertion would have been likely to bring an angry reaction from the judge.

13.   Foundation officials staunchly oppose discussions on issues other than immigration, and have warned of an angry reaction among Cuban exiles in Miami if more comes to pass.

14.   Government ministers, fearing an angry reaction, quickly shuffle backward, smiling and gesturing defensively, when people like Ms. Wardah advance on them.

15.   His comments provoked angry reactions from black legislators.

16.   It also brought angry reaction from two national Jewish organizations.

17.   It prompted some angry reactions.

18.   NATO forces have never tried to arrest them, apparently fearing casualties and an angry public reaction from Bosnian Serbs.

19.   Our respondents seem less worried by childish behavior than by their own angry reactions to it.

20.   Poor performance or disruptions in class, fighting in the cafeteria or on the playground and truancy are common angry reactions of school-age kids.

a. + reaction >>共 932
immediate 12.12%
rapid 6.15%
allergic 5.16%
chemical 4.33%
initial 3.53%
public 3.45%
mixed 3.31%
first 3.11%
official 2.49%
negative 2.40%
angry 1.69%
angry + n. >>共 963
crowd 5.48%
protest 4.89%
mob 4.19%
word 2.54%
resident 2.50%
reaction 2.41%
response 2.32%
fan 2.09%
letter 1.85%
protester 1.85%
每页显示:    共 129