11.   Police, carrying automatic rifles and with ammunition belts slung over their shoulders, searched the grounds but found only farm workers.

12.   A couple of truckloads of police, some with ammunition belts draped over their shoulders, parked near the crash site.

13.   A police officer shot the attacker four times in the head, apparently in fear that his ammunition belt carried explosives.

14.   After filling the graves, they placed an ammunition belt over each mound instead of flowers.

15.   Also on Friday, a photograph showing a Palestinian baby dressed up like a suicide bomber with apparently fake ammunition belts and explosives strapped to its body angered Israelis.

16.   At a nearby garage, Chechen government soldiers were loading a mobile anti-aircraft gun with ammunition belts.

17.   In faded photos, Abdel Kader Husseini poses as a proud warrior, an ammunition belt strapped across his chest and a pistol tucked into his hip holster.

18.   Lashed on the shoulder with an ammunition belt.

19.   One was covered with ammunition belts, and a machine gun lay by his side.

20.   Some were wearing ammunition belts.

n. + belt >>共 212
conveyor 19.22%
leather 6.95%
championship 5.11%
conveyer 3.78%
explosive 2.86%
soybean 2.76%
ammunition 2.66%
title 2.56%
garter 2.35%
farm 2.25%
ammunition + n. >>共 93
dump 25.24%
depot 21.78%
clip 6.24%
box 5.13%
factory 3.88%
belt 3.61%
site 2.91%
bunker 2.22%
cache 2.22%
plant 2.22%
每页显示:    共 26