11.   Rhodes said the ACLU may file an amicus brief relating to what it believes are constitutional issues that may not be addressed by other parties in the case.

12.   The argument takes a further step in the amicus brief filed by the Association of Trial Lawyers of America.

13.   Visa and Mastercard filed an amicus brief in the case saying they were doing just fine without patents, thank you.

n. + brief >>共 60
court 16.67%
news 9.33%
amicus 8.67%
bikini 6.00%
business 4.00%
appeal 3.33%
science 3.33%
trial 3.33%
boxer 2.67%
certification 2.67%
amicus + n. >>共 2
brief 92.86%
siding 7.14%
每页显示:    共 13