11.   The European Union is considering restricting entry of American executives into Europe, freezing assets of U.S. companies that sue EU companies and allowing counter suits.

12.   The government also said that allowing the suit could damage diplomatic relations with Japan.

13.   But no new suits would be allowed in the version the Senate passed in July.

14.   Democrats say their measure allows suits against empowers only when the companies themselves participate in medical decision, a principle they say Bush has articulated.

15.   Even safari suits were not allowed during the week.

16.   French law allows libel suits even if the reference is only by implication.

17.   Instead of restricting suits to between the private sector and the government, it allowed suits between private individuals.

18.   Judges dismissed suits filed by Bridgeport and Cincinnati, but other judges have allowed suits filed by Atlanta and Chicago to proceed.

19.   Neither was mentioned by name in the book, which used only code names, but French law allows libel suits even if the reference is only by implication.

20.   Suits are allowed in federal court.

v. + suit >>共 443
file 31.44%
follow 30.27%
wear 4.37%
bring 3.19%
settle 2.94%
dismiss 2.34%
drop 1.90%
join 1.19%
win 1.03%
see 0.59%
allow 0.30%
allow + n. >>共 1326
run 6.25%
hit 5.03%
access 2.72%
use 1.57%
time 1.36%
goal 1.18%
visit 0.96%
reporter 0.96%
sale 0.85%
single 0.80%
suit 0.14%
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