11.   He urged the premier, Felipe Gonzalez, to step down and allow the formation of an interim government before holding early elections.

12.   In the past few years, China has allowed the formation of a small but growing number of private groups.

13.   Justice Minister Muladi has said that the government has drafted a law, to be submitted to Parliament next month, that would allow their formation.

14.   The accident prompted Germany to ban aerobatic flights, and many air shows have refused to even allow safer formation flying.

15.   The amendments will allow the formation of a multiracial Cabinet and permit a non-indigenous Fijian to become prime minister.

16.   The compromise bill allows the formation of more than one umbrella union group, thus legalizing the Korean Confederation of Trade Unions, the outlawed group.

17.   The government says the present constitution allows the formation of political parties.

18.   The opposition party is demanding that Kumaratunga allow the formation of independent commissions to oversee elections, the police, broadcast media, the civil service and the judiciary.

19.   This has allowed the formation of a new discount chain selling coffins and caskets direct to the public at less than half the price.

20.   Niger President Mahamane Ousmane Saturday signed a decree allowing the formation of a new government dominated by his opponents, national radio here announced.

v. + formation >>共 264
announce 18.20%
discuss 5.24%
prevent 4.25%
block 3.96%
encourage 2.37%
allow 1.98%
include 1.48%
inhibit 1.38%
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approve 1.29%
allow + n. >>共 1326
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use 1.57%
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