11.   The agreement will permit Wingcast to offer consumers voice-activated services, including emergency phone calls, instant messaging, e-mail access and streaming video.

12.   The collective bargaining agreement permits the commissioner to suspend a player for any length of time.

13.   The final agreement permits the House managers to call additional witnesses only if Lott and Daschle agree.

14.   The Ohio agreement permits those who were driven from their homes to return.

15.   Trade agreements have permitted companies to move factories to Mexico and to sell more goods in Europe and Asia.

16.   Canada defended its measures, saying that the international World Trade Organization agreement on agriculture permits it to replace quotas and import licensing requirements with equivalent tariffs.

17.   Russian Security Council Secretary Ivan Rybkin said the agreement will also permit Chechnya to export its oil directly to buyers outside Russia, the Interfax news agency reported.

18.   The agreement also permits movement by Serbs between the suburbs of Lukavica and Ilidza, controlled by Serb troops, Muratovic told Bosnian radio.

19.   The agreement will permit the merger on the condition that the sales in Utah occur within nine months and the others within a year.

20.   The agreement permits the United States to broaden its search for remains all the way to the Yalu River, on the Chinese border, Liotta said.

n. + permit >>共 529
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agreement + v. >>共 391
be 27.98%
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