11.   Agents have seized the home computer of a Lockheed employee who worked closely with Yeremin.

12.   Agents seized files related to the handling, storage and disposal of hazardous materials in connection with the fatal explosion.

13.   Agents seized weapons and ammunition, military equipment, detailed invasion plans, scuba gear, guns and self-inflating rafts.

14.   Agents also seized blasting caps, pyro fuse, live grenades, rifle and pistol primers and chemicals there, the search warrants indicated.

15.   But before a sale could be arranged, federal agents seized the documents and began a five-year investigation that led to the indictments.

16.   But in past cases, customs agents have seized antiquities if they determine that dealers or collectors misstated the origin of the items.

17.   Canadian customs agents regularly seize books, magazines and compact disks that violate standards of decency or promote hate.

18.   Counternarcotics agents have seized and destroyed hundreds of tons of cocaine powder, arresting or killing thousands of smugglers.

19.   Customs agents seized the jets because the businessmen mistakenly indicated that they were owned by a U.S. corporation, Spurlock said.

20.   Cuban-Americans in West Palm Beach, who protested in large numbers when Elian was seized by federal agents, took the latest setback quietly.

n. + seize >>共 516
police 18.52%
rebel 7.04%
authority 5.20%
troop 5.04%
force 4.22%
government 2.98%
agent 2.90%
officer 2.71%
official 2.27%
soldier 1.89%
agent + v. >>共 1013
be 8.79%
say 7.71%
arrest 2.65%
have 2.26%
find 1.95%
tell 1.52%
take 1.37%
try 1.37%
use 1.34%
seize 1.34%
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