11.   Hassan also reported that the security situations in the cities of Mazar-e-Sharif and Herat had improved, enabling relief agencies to operate near full capacity.

12.   If it came up with solid proposals for changing the way agencies operate and collaborate with one another, they would have a better chance of being implemented.

13.   In many cases those government agencies operate or regulate small airports, power plants and water-treatment plants, he said.

14.   In New York City and state, child welfare agencies are operating under at least five court orders and consent decrees.

15.   Knapp said his agency now operates in perpetual crisis mode.

16.   Large-chain agencies often operate their own programs.

17.   Major car rental agencies operate at both airports.

18.   Most agencies are operating in a system that gives them great leeway.

19.   Other agencies operate spy satellites and process what they photograph and overhear.

20.   Rep. Nancy Pelosi of California, the top Democrat on the subcommittee, agreed that the monetary agency operated too secretively and made questionable judgments.

n. + operate >>共 1111
company 10.13%
group 3.08%
system 1.91%
bank 1.82%
airline 1.73%
business 1.53%
government 1.51%
force 1.37%
rebel 1.35%
doctor 1.28%
agency 1.15%
agency + v. >>共 790
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have 4.73%
report 1.79%
take 1.26%
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