11.   If it happens, a number of state agency heads will heave a huge sigh of relief.

12.   In another memo to agency heads, Card said that no regulations should be advanced toward approval without review by the new administration.

13.   In fact, the Legislature suggested the salary increase for Scott, along with raises it recommended for many other agency heads.

14.   In letting his interest be known, Arpaio said he would be asking for personal briefings from current state agency heads.

15.   In one room sat Telsey, the agency head, wearing a cream-colored suit and an earring.

16.   In response, City Council members voted to subpoena Kathryn Croft, the agency head, to force her to appear before them.

17.   It commanded all cabinet officers and agency heads to execute these directives.

18.   It was not authorized by the agency head or the president, he said.

19.   It would also make agency procurement heads accountable to his office, not their agencies.

20.   Little, the former agency head, who now runs a human resources consulting firm in Michigan, denied knowing anything about a claims scheme.

n. + head >>共 735
deputy 9.49%
department 8.13%
agency 3.06%
shower 2.21%
studio 2.09%
division 1.66%
delegation 1.66%
government 1.55%
sprinkler 1.39%
shaven 1.39%
agency + n. >>共 490
official 25.00%
spokesman 6.79%
spokeswoman 2.95%
head 2.71%
company 2.47%
employee 2.19%
worker 2.06%
executive 1.92%
report 1.92%
chief 1.13%
每页显示:    共 79