11.   But INS lawyers pressed Van Wyke to deport Mohansingh before the agency handled the petition for a marriage visa.

12.   But officials in patent and trademark areas say the agency can handle even the volume of lost files from the World Trade Center catastrophe.

13.   Consumer Reports, which has criticized how the agency has handled the matter, was quick to applaud when told of the investigation.

14.   Diane Spitaliere, a spokeswoman, said the agency handled hundreds of urgent warnings each year regarding problems that could pose immediate safety hazards.

15.   Even as other agencies are handling the emotional issue of the shipwrecked boy, the State Department is trying to manage an incremental opening to Havana.

16.   He believes, for example, that other agencies could better handle some of the work now done by the CIA.

17.   His agency has handled the creative duties on the Budget account since July.

18.   How to handle the intelligence agencies is just one of the contentious issues emerging about the proposed domestic security department.

19.   If there is still no response, a collection agency will handle the matter.

20.   It is not the kind of operation that a state agency can handle.

n. + handle >>共 757
company 4.31%
system 2.69%
police 2.53%
agency 2.49%
people 1.98%
court 1.86%
government 1.74%
office 1.62%
team 1.34%
official 1.26%
agency + v. >>共 790
say 19.39%
be 6.25%
have 4.73%
report 1.79%
take 1.26%
give 1.21%
quote 1.09%
try 1.06%
plan 1.00%
make 0.96%
handle 0.33%
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