11.   His admirers say this gave his readings a special sense of spontaneity.

12.   His admirers say, in essence, that how Helfgott plays does not matter.

13.   His admirers say he knows how to build relationships with those who disagree with him.

14.   His admirers say Zedillo is helping transform the nation just by the example he sets.

15.   His admirers say he reinvented the American sublime with his enormous canvases that clawed at the sky.

16.   His admirers say they are impressed that President Bush is secure enough to surround himself with capable advisers.

17.   His admirers said any implication that Pauling was somehow anti- American was unfair, regarding him, instead, as the quintessential American.

18.   His admirers said he was skilled at making psychological and philosophical concepts accessible to lay people.

19.   His admirers say that Eric has concerns about the publicity, and understandably so.

20.   If McCain is sometimes headstrong, his admirers say, it is a small price to pay for his willingness to take on politically risky assignments.

n. + say >>共 480
official 17.88%
police 6.16%
analyst 4.36%
report 3.78%
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spokesman 3.05%
company 2.65%
expert 2.16%
authority 1.82%
government 1.60%
admirer 0%
admirer + v. >>共 99
say 14.29%
be 7.88%
surround 3.45%
mob 2.96%
make 2.46%
include 2.46%
see 2.46%
send 2.46%
call 1.97%
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